We’re always on the lookout for talented and passionate individuals to join us. If you’re looking to create positive change, we’d like to hear from you. Feel free to apply for any open positions or email us your CV for future recruitment.
Passion and ambition
The opportunity to work as part of a highly dynamic, international group of individuals who combine their passion to make a difference with ambition and a rigorous and results-oriented approach to work.
A significant opportunity to shape and grow a dynamic new international organisation, with existing connections to global philanthropy.
Flexibility and diversity
A flexible, family friendly work environment and the space to shape and continuously develop your role.
Competitive remuneration
Competitive remuneration (relevant to location).
Campaign Assistant
Location: Tasmania, Australia. Full-time position.
The Campaign Assistant plays a crucial role in supporting the development and execution of our high-impact campaigns. This position demands a highly organized individual with a desire to make a difference. Working closely with the Strategy Director, the assistant supports the seamless coordination and strategic implementation of campaign and operational activities.
You are an exceptionally organized individual who enjoys taking on challenging and meaningful work with colleagues around the world . You thrive in fast-paced environments, demonstrating an ability to manage multiple priorities with precision and grace.
- Provide high-level executive support to the Strategy Director, acting as a principal contact point for external stakeholders.
- Diplomatically managing relationships with colleagues and partners
- Coordinate scheduling and logistics for the Strategy Director.
- Prepare and collate both internal and externally-focused materials and presentations.
- Manage confidential and sensitive documentation with discretion.
- Handle calls, emails, and correspondence, proactively determining significance and managing distribution.
- Assist in the planning and execution of campaign strategies, including setting timelines, coordinating tasks, and employing project management tools to track progress and manage deadlines.
- Strong project management skills with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment.
- You excel in both written and verbal communication, able to articulate ideas clearly and engage meaningfully with stakeholders at all levels.
- You possess a natural ability to grasp complex issues quickly and translate them into action with no fuss.
- Proficient with modern office software, social media platforms, and project management tools, you adapt to new technologies to enhance work efficiency.
- Experience in non-profits, advocacy, or campaign environments is preferred.
- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
- Capacity to work independently with minimal direction and collaboratively in a team environment. Manage conflicting and changing priorities.
- The opportunity to be part of a team of ambitious strategists in a dynamic, progressive, and supportive work environment.
- Competitive NGO salary with flexible working conditions.
- Opportunities for professional development and networking across twenty countries.
Please email hello@speakslouder.org to submit your CV and a cover letter detailing your suitability for the role and your motivation to join ASL. Please indicate “Campaign Assistant” in the subject line.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Early applications are encouraged to seize this exciting opportunity. ASL is dedicated to diversity and inclusion; we strongly encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to apply.
선임 철강 전략가
선임 철강 전략가 (액션스픽스라우더)
- 세계에서 가장 심한 오염을 일으키는 산업의 탈탄소화 주도.
- 전지구적인 파급력을 지닌 캠페인을 진행해 보기를 원하는 숙련되고 창의적인 전략가에게 적합.
- 한국에 우선적인 초점을 맞추고 영향력이 큰 기업들에 책임을 요구.
- 기후 또는 에너지 분야 경험자 우대, 한국어 구사 가능자 우대. / 아시아태평양 지역 거주자, 해외여행에 결격 사유가 없을 것.
단체 소개
액션스픽스라우더(ASL)는 독립적인 재원으로 운영되는 국제 캠페인 단체로, 주요 기업들을 상대로 자신의 기후 약속을 지킬 것을 촉구합니다. 우리는 성공적인 캠페인을 통해 대상 기업들이 100% 재생가능한 풍력 및 태양광 기반 기술로 전환하는 것을 유도하고, 청정 에너지로의 이행을 촉진합니다. ASL은 아시아태평양 지역을 중심으로 다양한 글로벌 팀을 구성하고 있습니다. 우리는 배출량 및 정부 정책의 측면에서 큰 영향력을 미칠 수 있는 다국적 기업들을 상대로 캠페인을 벌여 큰 성과를 거두어 왔습니다.
철강 산업은 분기점에 서 있습니다. 철강 업계는 탈탄소화를 위한 여러 실행가능한 기술을 보유하고 있지만, 다국적 기업들의 상업적 변화는 미미한 실정입니다. 특히, 한국의 철강 기업들이 변화에 미온적입니다. 철강 산업의 친환경화에 속도를 내지 않는다면, 우리는 위험천만한 기후변화를 막는 데 어려움을 겪게 될 겁니다.
지원 자격
지원자는 다양한 경험을 지닌 전략가로서 캠페인이 가진 힘을 이해하고, 실질적인 영향력을 발휘하기 위해 그것을 구축하고 전개하는 방법을 알아야 합니다. 또한 진부한 캠페인 방식을 지양하고, 주된 캠페인 대상의 이기심과 취약성을 공략하는 접근법을 개발해야 합니다. 그러기 위해서는 해당 산업 분야에 대한 이해와 함께 그것의 성장 전략, 규제 환경, 주요 이해관계자의 특성을 폭넓게 파악하고 있어야 합니다.
지원자는 업계의 비즈니스 전략과 그것이 에너지 조달 및 탈탄소화와 어떻게 연관돼 있는지 이해해야 합니다. 또한 지원자는 끈기를 갖추고, 유력한 이해관계자들에게 영향력을 미칠 수 있다는 자신감을 지녀야 합니다.
업무 내용
선임 철강 전략가는 철강 업계가 탈탄소화에 나서도록 동기를 부여하는 역할을 맡습니다. 수요자들 사이에서 녹색 철강을 찾는 움직임을 확산시키고, 유해한 철강 생산을 억제하며, 주요 이해관계자 및 정부와 협업해 철강 업계가 친환경 전환에 나설 수 있게 만드는 솔루션 개발을 지원합니다. 실무적 차원에서는 ▲기업의 전략 분석 ▲조사 실행 ▲보고서 작성 및 의뢰 ▲이해관계자들과의 연대체 구성 ▲캠페인 대상 기업, 규제 기관, 영향력 있는 언론인과의 관계 형성 등의 업무가 포함됩니다. 향후 업무 범위는 한국을 넘어 아시아태평양 지역의 철강 업체들로 확대될 예정입니다.
왜 “녹색 철강”인가?
녹색 철강은 화석연료를 사용하지 않고 철강을 제조하는 것을 뜻합니다.
철강 분야는 기후변화의 주요 요인 가운데 하나입니다. 전 세계 CO2 배출량의 약 11%가 철강 제조 과정에서 발생하는 것으로 추정됩니다. 앞으로의 철강 수요를 감안할 때, 지금과 같은 제조 관행이 지속된다면 2050년까지 업계는 2.8-3.6 Gt의 CO2를 배출할 것으로 예상됩니다. 이는 지구온난화의 수준을 2°C 이내로, 가급적 1.5°C 이내로 억제하려는 파리협정의 목표 달성을 어렵게 만드는 수치입니다.
주요 역량
요구 사항
- 검증된 파워 매핑 경험을 포함한 탁월한 분석 기술.
- 변화 이론을 독립적으로 개발하고 이를 적용해 테스트할 수 있는 실력.
- 한국에서 기업이 힘과 영향력을 구축하는 전술에 대한 심도 깊은 이해. 또는 이를 발전시킬 수 있는 능력.
- 캠페인 전략을 작성하고 이를 팀의 업무 계획으로 세분화해 본 경험.
- 이해관계자들을 조직하는 기술.
- 수준 높은 커뮤니케이션 능력. 여기에는 기업의 마케팅을 분석하고, 캠페인의 브랜드 및 메시지를 개발하고, 크리에이티브 팀과 협력하고, 언론인들과의 관계를 구축하는 능력이 포함됨.
- 산업의 탈탄소화, 그 과정의 장애물과 기회, 에너지 전환을 가능케 하거나 지연시키는 정부의 역할에 대한 심도 깊은 이해.
- 협력적이고 다기능적인 팀을 육성할 수 있는 능력.
- 유창한 영어 쓰기와 말하기 실력 필수. 한국어 구사 가능자 우대.
혜택 및 대우
- 기후 성과를 달성하기 위해 서로를 돕고 자극할 야심 찬 전략가들로 구성된 선임 팀의 일원으로 일하며 큰 영향력을 발휘할 기회.
- 역동적, 진취적이며 가족 중심적인 업무 환경.
- 유연한 근무 시간 및 원격 근무.
- 20개국의 조직과 네트워크를 구축하고 함께 발전을 도모할 기회.
- NGO급여 수준과 비교해 경쟁력 있는 보수. 기업의 대우에 익숙한 이들에게 변화를 추구할 자유.
- 해외 출장 필요.
지원 방법
지원자는 이력서와 선발 기준에 부합하는 자기 소개를 각각 2쪽 이내의 PDF 파일로 작성해 hello@speakslouder.org로 보내 주십시오.
제목에 반드시 “선임 철강 전략가”를 명기해 주십시오.
지원 마감 시한은 2024년 8월 26일 23시 59분(AEST)입니다. 지원서 검토와 면접은 수시로 진행되므로, 마감 시한 전에 지원해 주시기 바랍니다.
우리는 조직의 다양성과 포용성을 추구합니다. 역사적으로 불우한 환경에 놓여 있었거나, 소외된 그룹 출신의 지원자들을 환영합니다.
해당 직무에 대해 궁금한 점이 있다면, hello@speakslouder.org로 문의 바랍니다. 최종 후보자들에게만 개별 연락을 드리는 점을 양해 바랍니다. 모든 지원서는 기밀로 취급됩니다.
Senior Project Manager – Corporate Accountability
Location: Remote, with a preference for the US or Australia.
Effective corporate climate reporting is critical to addressing the climate crisis; if emissions aren’t clearly accounted for, there is no way to ensure they are reduced. The defacto global standards for corporate emissions accounting are currently under review. That means we have a once in a decade opportunity to fix major loopholes in emissions reporting and increase corporate accountability for climate impacts.
There is a pressing need for a Senior Project Manager who can lead civil society efforts to strengthen corporate emissions reporting. With leading scientists warning we are failing in our efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, there are few jobs that are more important or offer a greater opportunity to make a difference.
- Experience in corporate accounting or financial reporting, or expertise in this area developed through advocacy, government or finance/consulting work.
- Experience in energy project development, energy procurement and energy policy.
- Knowledge of corporate accountability frameworks and sustainability reporting.
- Knowledge of strategies and tactics used by corporations to build power and influence, and deliver on their industry strategy and legislative agenda.
- Demonstrated project management skills and the ability to coordinate and build alliances with experts and non-experts.
- Demonstrated ability to coordinate a cross-functional team.
- Knowledge of the UNFCCC intergovernmental process and of climate change mitigation issues is desirable.
Monitor and Analyse Reporting Regimes:
- Analyse developments in corporate GHG emissions reporting regimes and standards, both voluntary and mandatory.
- Identify major loopholes in corporate emissions reporting and assess their impact on corporate accountability for climate change.
Stakeholder Engagement and Advocacy:
- Identify and analyse companies and political entities lobbying for weaker GHG emissions reporting standards, understanding their sources of influence.
- Identify and engage experts and allies (corporate, political, academic, NGO) to collaborate on robust reporting standards.
- Develop and implement strategic interventions to empower experts and allies working towards accurate reporting standards.
Transparency and Accountability Projects:
- Develop and implement projects to enhance transparency and accountability for stakeholders advocating weaker reporting standards.
Strategic Coordination:
- Collaborate with the ASL executive team on strategy, monitoring, budgeting, and team development.
- The chance to have a major impact. We have a senior team of ambitious strategists and can ensure you will be challenged and well supported to deliver outcomes.
- A progressive, family-friendly work environment.
- Remote work with flexible hours.
- Networking and professional development opportunities with major climate organisations across 20 countries.
If any of this sparks your interest, please send in your CV, and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria of no more than two pages each in PDF to hello@speakslouder.org. Please indicate “Senior Project Manager Corporate Accountability” in the subject line.
We are committed to diversity and inclusion in our organisation. We strongly encourage candidates from historically disadvantaged or marginalised groups to apply.
Senior Campaigner
You can track a campaign target through your ability to map complex industry and regulatory environments. You are capable of understanding corporate growth strategy and how government regulations impact industry. You may have worked in media, health, aid and development, human rights, the trade union or environment movements, or the tech, finance, manufacturing, auto, textiles industries or related. You want to innovate and take on a new challenge. You are keen to develop and run cutting edge strategies and open a new frontier in climate advocacy. You like to build partnerships and take a proactive approach. You can develop a deep understanding of technical policy details and communicate them confidently and accessibly to media and other audiences; but above all, you’re great at getting out there and convincing people to do good stuff. You do not have a massive ego. You like to get things done efficiently, with no fuss and without someone looming over your shoulder.
This is an open call, looking for talented and experienced campaigners to lead strategy to catalyse change in industry.
Key Competencies
- More than five years’ demonstrated experience delivering high impact campaigns or projects. Ideally, more than ten.
- Demonstrated experience forming relationships with partners such as corporates that delivered on project outcomes.
- Experience managing multiple, diverse stakeholders.
- A proven track record of delivering earned media and contributing to engaging digital media content.
- Demonstrated project management experience where you delivered on tight deadlines that were crucial to the functioning of a larger project.
- Experience engaging with industry policy and strategy, with an understanding of how regulations influence business strategy and supply chains.
- Experience working in Asia. Related language skills are a major plus.
The opportunity to work as part of a highly dynamic, international group of individuals who combine their passion to make a difference with ambition and a rigorous and results-oriented approach to work; A significant opportunity to shape and grow a dynamic new international organisation, with existing connections to global philanthropy; A flexible work environment and the space to shape and continuously develop your role; Competitive remuneration (relevant to location).
If any of this sparks your interest, please send in your CV, and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria of no more than two pages each in PDF to hello@speakslouder.org. Please indicate “ASL Experienced Campaigner Application” in the subject line. If you have any questions in confidence about the role, please contact sarah@speakslouder.org using the subject line: Experienced Campaigner. Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated confidentially. Applications will be reviewed and interviews will be held on a rolling basis. We are committed to diversity and inclusion in our organisation. We strongly encourage candidates from historically disadvantaged or marginalised groups to apply.
Big tech Campaigner
Action Speaks Louder (ASL) is a not-for-profit galvanising people around the world to hold major corporations to account for their climate promises. We focus on pressuring corporations to walk the talk on climate, in order to help deliver international climate goals.
If we can pressure large consumer-facing, brand-sensitive corporations to live up to their climate commitments it will transform the landscape – dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions and boosting renewable energy procurement, whilst creating the political space for governments to increase ambition.
Action Speaks Louder has built a diverse team of campaigners across multiple countries, especially in the Asia Pacific region, and has a strong track record delivering outcomes from multinational companies.
We are committed to offering equal opportunities in a diverse, flexible, family-friendly, supportive working environment.
You can track a campaign target through your ability to map complex industry and regulatory environments. You are capable of understanding corporate growth strategy and how government regulations impact industry. You may have worked in media, health, aid and development, human rights, the trade union or environment movements, or the tech, manufacturing, auto or textiles industries.
You want to innovate and take on a new challenge. You are keen to develop and run cutting edge strategies and open a new frontier in climate advocacy. You like to build partnerships and take a proactive approach.
You can develop a deep understanding of technical policy details and communicate them confidently and accessibly to media and other audiences; but above all, you’re great at getting out there and convincing people to do good stuff.
You do not have a massive ego. You like to get things done efficiently, with no fuss and without someone looming over your shoulder.
This role is about leading our strategy to catalyse change in the global tech industry. Our aim is to press the global tech giants to rapidly shift to renewable energy across their operations and supply chains. With significant political influence and accounting for 2-3% of global greenhouse emissions, shifting tech is critical to tackling the climate crisis.
As part of the work you will build partnerships, develop and deliver effective campaigns, as well as identifying and shaping the capacity to make it happen. Whilst the initial focus of this role is tech, we are looking for a campaigner with a cross-sector skillset.
Key Competencies
- More than five years’ demonstrated experience delivering high impact campaigns or projects.
- Demonstrated experience forming relationships with partners such as corporates that delivered on project outcomes.
- Experience managing multiple, diverse stakeholders.
- A proven track record of delivering earned media and contributing to engaging digital media content.
- Demonstrated project management experience where you delivered on tight deadlines that were crucial to the functioning of a larger project.
- Experience engaging with industry policy and strategy, with an understanding of how regulations influence business strategy and supply chains.
- Experience working in or with the tech sector
- Experience working in Asia, notably Japan, South Korea and China.
- Related language skills are a major plus.
The opportunity to work as part of a highly dynamic, international group of individuals who combine their passion to make a difference with ambition and a rigorous and results-oriented approach to work;
A significant opportunity to shape and grow a dynamic new international organisation, with existing connections to global philanthropy;
A flexible work environment and the space to shape and continuously develop your role;
Competitive remuneration (relevant to location).
If any of this sparks your interest, please send in your CV, and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria of no more than two pages each in PDF to hello@speakslouder.org. Please indicate “ASL Big Tech Application” in the subject line.
Applications will be reviewed and interviews will be held on a rolling basis, so please do not hesitate to apply before this deadline.
We are committed to diversity and inclusion in our organisation. We strongly encourage candidates from historically disadvantaged or marginalised groups to apply.
If you have any questions in confidence about the role, please contact sarah@speakslouder.org using the subject line: Big Tech. Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated confidentially.