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Canon is one of the world’s best known brands, with products spanning photography, printing and medical imaging. With its corporate philosophy of “kyosei”(living and working together for the common good), Canon has carefully crafted a brand synonymous with wildlife and nature.

Fujio Mitarai, CEO and Chairman of Canon Inc, and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors at Canon Institute of Global Studies (CIGS) has been exposed and now he must come clean:

  1. Mitarai and Canon’s senior management must withdraw support for CIGS, in the first instance, until publications by its research directors which deny the science of climate change, are removed from sale. This must start with Mr. Sugiyama’s publication targeting children, Global Warming from the age of 15: Factfulness not taught at school.
  2. Canon Inc.’s leadership must also take responsibility for the views of CIGS researchers, and in particular, end Mr. Sugiyama’s participation in government and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change bodies.
  3. It must also issue a public statement that it in no way endorses the anti-science and pro-fossil fuel views of the think tank, and will undertake a public review of the failures of governance which have allowed its brand to be used as a platform for these extreme views.

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